Yesterday, 9/17/21, we took one more step to complete installing an EV charging station. The wiring is done, and we are waiting for the NEMA 14-50 outlet and the GRIZZL~E 40 AMP charger to arrive next week. Our guests with EVs will be able to charge right here during their stay. We chose a charger made by our neighbors to the north due to its design to survive in harsh/cold conditions.
Additionally, since we produce excess power with our All Earth Renewables Sun Tracker, much of the charging will be from solar. Experience will tell us how much going forward. We are also considering re powering our Tracker in the future which could increase our 5.4Kw output up to 13 Kw. Panels are a fraction of the cost as compared to 8 years ago and that much more powerful. Drive with the sun!
Our goal is to complete the EV-charger installation by the last week of September, just in time for our busy fall-foliage season. *UPDATE - The installation is complete as of 9/29/21 and is ready to charge!
